OUr WeEkly  schedule

We have a lot going on here at the Wesley. Here are some weekly events during the fall and spring semesters that we would love for you to be a part of!

M o n d a y :

+ Free Lunch @ 12:00pm @ the Wesley

T u e s d a y :

+  Dinner church/worship 6:15pm @ the Wesley

W e d n e s d a y :

Lunch in the student center @ 12:00pm

F r i d a y : 

Coffee and Conversations @ 1:00pm // Coldsmoke Craft House

Let's Hangout!

Here at the Wesley, we love to spend time together. We have movie and game nights throughout the entire year. We also plan fun events held at the Wesley and adventures during the summer to different places around the state of Texas. Make sure to get in on the fun by getting connected with us!